22 February, 2021
And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’ Exodus 34:6-7
Lord, you are a Merciful God, full of tender affection for your people, although we disgrace you repeatedly, by sinning against you. You are gracious and kind, and your wrath is slow to ignite. You wait with a steadfast faithfulness, for us to realize our transgressions and retrace our steps towards you.
Lord, although our iniquities are mountainous in magnitude, and we wilfully turn our face away from you, easily trapped by the wicked conspiracy of the tempter, rebellious and ungrateful, breaking your commandments and ignoring your doctrines, you wait for us, warning, rebuking, and directing our conscience to realize our errors and repent for them. We make reparation for the times we have failed you, Lord, blind to the magnificence of your infinite mercy.
But there are times Lord, that through circumstance or ignorance, we do not realize the magnitude of our misery, and continue to live in sin, causing our sins to be visited on our children and future generations of our family.There are also some among us, who, having reflected and examined our conscience make worthy propitiation for our sins and return to you with pure and chaste hearts. Father, you forgive all those who falter but do not fall, steadying them, with your mighty hand upholding them.
Father, we plead for your compassion towards the downcast, the humbled, the broken, the hopeless, the discouraged and those who may feel that they are beyond the reach of your forgiveness.Let them experience your filial love and benevolence, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen
4 Prayers
Amen! Abba Father, we are filled with remorse for our sins against You and beg You to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We want to worship and adore You with pure hearts that are worthy of Your love and forgiveness. We want to walk on the narrow straight path to Heaven with the world behind us and the cross before us. Thank You for Your great mercy and compassion. This humble prayer we make in Jesus’ Precious Name. ?❤️✝️?
Amen and Amen, in Jesus’ Name ?????
Amen ! Thank you Heavenly Father for your compassion and mercy towards us, even though we have offended you. You always forgive us our sins if we repent with a sincere heart. Please help us be worthy of your great love for us. It’s in Jesus’ Name we pray. ?❤️?
Amen in the precious name of Jesus ✝️❤✝️