O most Holy Lady, Mother of God, light of my darkened soul, Mary my hope and protection, Mary my refuge and comfort, Mary my heart and my joy…open up for me the compassionate heart of your merciful Son and ask him to overlook my sins and transgressions. Set my mind on the path of repentance in this Lenten season and do not allow me to become the prey and possession of the Destroyer of souls, but renew me through your intercession, for I have grown old in my many sins. Set my ragged life on a straight path and grant me contrition of heart, humility of mind, and recall my thoughts from their captivity to distractions. You are the Mother and source of Mercy, abyss of tender love and living water, the protection of sinners and a harbor for those lost in the sea of life. Take me by the hand, be my companion and guide, and lead me to the path of salvation. Help me to make good use of this time of Lent and grant that the remainder of my life be spent in peace and repentance. May this be so, O Mother of God, through your intercessions to the One who created me, to whom be all glory, honor, and veneration, unto the ages of ages. Amen
(inspired and compiled from prayers to the Theotokos)