4 December, 2024
Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me, shall never thirst.” – John 6:35
Lord, you are the Eternal Fount of Sustenance and Giver of life, and your beneficence is unparalleled. You have bestowed upon us the Power of your Holy Spirit, to counsel and guide us, and we believe that you are with us, even to the end of time. Just as you gave manna to the Israelites to sustain them, you have given us the living bread, Christ’s body, sacrificed on the Cross of our sins by our Lord Jesus Christ your Son.
We know and believe that your promises are unshakable and the Word which emits from your mouth, never returns void. We also believe that though heaven and earth may pass away, your Word stands firm forever. The bread of life, when consumed, becomes our spiritual food, which strengthens, uplifts and imparts the wisdom of the Gospel to believers all over the world. Jesus made known to all man his own divinity, as the Son of God, come on earth to offer us the bread that gives spiritual and eternal life, while also upholding and maintaining our spiritual life.
Jesus accomplished your mission of enlightening those that were dead in deep trespasses and sins, and giving new birth and eternal life to all those who followed and believed him. By believing in him, we testify to the gospel truth of the Kingdom of Heaven, the deliverance received by him as the Mediator and Saviour of men, our restoration by him to life and eternal happiness and the continued sustenance we enjoy from receiving his Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist, in the Name of our Lord Jesus. Amen