24 January, 2025
Be on your guard and stay alert! For you do not know when the appointed time will come. Mark 13:33
God our Father, you are the Author of our lives, and you hold us in the very palm of your Mighty Hands. Without you, we are nothing, but with you, we have your grace of eternal life, granted to us through compassion and mercy, by our Saviour Jesus’ death on the Cross of our sins. Jesus has secured everlasting victory over death, for all of us who remain in him and he in us. You have concealed from us the knowledge of the last day, that we might live with integrity, our days of mortal nature on this earth.
Lord, help us to maintain a stringent watch over our souls, to prevent our falling prey to the snares of evil, which can capture us and damage our spiritual life. You have commanded us to remain diligently attentive to the dreaded traps that our wicked adversaries never fall short of, to make us trip and fall away from your path. May we pray unceasingly and stay close and faithful to your precepts, to save our souls from spiritual bondage and death. It is our duty to preserve ourselves in righteousness, for the day of judgement, which may suddenly and unexpectedly lead us into your Holy Presence.
Lord Jesus, our Savior, we keep our gaze raised upward to heaven, from where you will descend, in the glory of the Father. May we remain true to our calling, watching and praying every day and every hour, waiting for you, who will bring order to everything on earth. Grant us the joy to see you working through your servants toward the salvation of all peoples. Abide in us and ward off every evil, as we wait in anticipation of your coming. May your living Word work in our hearts so that every day may be filled with the light of truth, faith and hope.. Protect us, and may your Name be praised, dear Jesus, as the Name by which we are saved. Amen