28 December, 2022
In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. Matthew 23:28
Lord God, Heavenly Father, you created us in your image and likeness, flawless, perfect and righteous, but instead of exulting in the beauty of your creation, manifest all around us, our desire for meaningless pleasure grew and distorted our image. We rebelled against the Goodness of our Creator and even betrayed unto death, the Messiah whom you sent, to save and redeem us.
We are wretched and ungrateful, ready to bite the very hand that feeds us. We keep an upright facade, while we are full of decay and wickedness on the inside. Lord, you know our innermost thoughts and feelings, and even though you are a Just and Merciful God, you will not let the guilty escape unpunished. Every act of ingratitude has to be repaid in manifold measure, in payment for our wickedness. Grant us Lord, a holy fear of your Most Holy Name.
Help us dear Lord, to develop strictness and holiness of character, putting away hypocrisy, and iniquity. Help us to reflect on the outside, what we are on the inside. May we grow in spirituality, with an attitude of selflessness and service. Grant us the grace to attain the perfection worthy of children of a God of Holiness. May we obtain inward purity and cleanness, free of ungodly behaviour, and petty instincts, striving to be Christ-like, as members of Christ’s body, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
1 Prayer
God bless EVERYONE ???