January 30, 2025
January 30, 2025
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Proverbs 1:7


30 January, 2025

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. – Proverbs 1:7

God of Power and Might, you have laid the foundations of the earth and given man your law, tenets and commandments through prophets of old, who instructed man in humbly revering and obeying you and keeping your Word with religious fear, for breaking it would incur your wrath and the consequences of punishment. This knowledge has not kept sinful man from iniquity, and they have continued on the path of unrighteousness. Our Lord Jesus came to instill your law in the hearts of men, through love, service and worship of our One, True, Ever-Living God.

Jesus established the foundation of your commandment and through the Holy Spirit we have been instructed in the knowledge of being true to your Holy Word and so obtain your grace by engaging ourselves in prayer and Christian fellowship that is pleasing in your sight, as all other knowledge is vain and of no benefit for our spiritual growth. Earthly wisdom, which does not strengthen our religious foundation, or awaken in our hearts such genuine love of our God, that we fear disobeying you, is empty and of no value. We realise this in affliction and when facing death and your just judgement thereafter.

Foolish mankind lives in the false belief that life is abundant, delaying true instruction and worship of God, clinging to temporal gains and pleasures and despising any instruction that is not of this world. Lord, grant us true wisdom of the fleeting nature of worldly gains and the need to submit with humility to you, our Heavenly Father, striving to live pious and sanctified lives and building up the eternal treasures of your Kingdom. Help us gain a holy fear of your Name, O Lord, and assist us in seeking to attain wisdom and instruction which will lead us to eternal salvation through doing your Holy Will, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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