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Psalm 119: 105

24 July, 2023

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

Dear Heavenly Father, we seek to remain in close fellowship with our All-powerful God, only too aware and cautious that we tread through a fallen world with dangerous bends, where dark foes lurk, seeking to destroy and consume us into fearful realms. Your Word, Lord, with its eternal truth, reveals to us your promises and your everlasting Covenant with us and refuels our hopes and replenishes our faith in you, your faithfulness, and your righteousness.

Lord, there are moments that threaten to pull us apart when our internal failings and helplessness lures our soul into darkened trails and valleys. It is then that your Word provides a sure foundation upon which to regain balance, and lights up our pathway to prevent our falling apart.

Your Word, Lord, is an inextinguishable lamp, radiating a pure, incandescent light that banishes the shadows of uncertainty. By illuminating our way and following the secure guidelines of Scripture, we can walk confidently on the sure stairway of righteousness. Scripture re-energizes our hope in Christ, as we follow humbly in his footsteps.

Your precepts Lord, will be a revealing Light to save us from the pitfalls of destruction and your statutes the illuminating Lamp to safely swerve us from deceitful snares and onto smooth avenues in our pathway of life. We commit to holding your Light ablaze, Lord, as we walk sturdily ahead in Christ’s Name. Amen

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