December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023
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Psalm 47:1

19 December, 2023

O clap your hands, all ye people, shout unto God with the voice of triumph.
Psalm 47:1

Sovereign Lord, our King of kings, our Holy, Mighty and Immortal God, you are the Lord of Salvation and we are your people. We exalt your Holy Name and exult in the singular blessing you have showered upon us, by choosing us to be your people through adoption into sonship. By delivering and redeeming us, you have appointed us to the ministry of discipleship in Christ Jesus, with the commission of carrying the good news of your kingdom to all unbelievers.

We rejoice in unison, in shouting of praise and worship of our God, for you have taken us for your own. We beat our hands together, for the whole world to witness our joy of being affiliated to the true Church and the only God, through our faith in the life, death, resurrrecroom and ascension of Jesus, your Son and our Messiah. The Church exhorts us to delight in the victory of Christ, by commemorating the same each day of our lives and by praise in congregation.

Christ has brought us under the canopy of your grace, by the shedding of his Blood to vanquish death and to bring us to eternal life through your Salvation plan. He has thus banished the triumph of death and we honor and glorify you, Lord, for giving us repentance of all our grievances and bringing us into renewed communion with you, for the old has passed away and you have given us new hearts, with the Holy Spirit, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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