We thank you Lord Jesus for protecting all of us during the difficult situation we have faced in our lives, due to the pandemic. We love you and bless your Holy Name, now and forevermore. We pray in a special way for all those who helped us bear our burdens. Please take care of All of us. It's in your Name, Jesus. we pray, Amen.

Posted by: Lydia D'Souza on May 6, 2021
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Pray to heal all those who are suffering due to this pandemic, and a cure be found soon by the researchers. Also, pray that my family and myself be safe to reach out to others.

Posted by: Gladwyn on June 21, 2020
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I pray for my family. I pray that I am able to get my purpose in life and pursue it

Posted by: Annita Joseph Jones on September 20, 2019
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