27 JULY, 2024
Matthew 13:24-30
Then Jesus told them another parable: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a person who sows good seed in his field. One of those nights, while everyone was sleeping, an enemy went and smashed a seed in the weeds mixed with wheat, and then left. When the plants grow and the leaves begin to sprout, that’s when the weeds will be recognized.
The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, you have sown good seed in Your field, so where did the weeds come from? ‘He replied, ‘An enemy has done it.’ ‘They asked Him, ‘Do you want us to cut the weeds? ‘He replied, ‘No! Instead of you cutting the weeds, be involved in cutting the wheat.
Let the wheat and the herb grow till the harvest, for I will say to the workers: Cut out first the weeds, bind them up and throw them into the fire; but gather the wheat and store them in My barn. ’”