October 24, 2024
October 24, 2024
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1 John 4: 15

24 October, 2024

If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. – 1 John 4:15

Lord God, your creation blesses and thanks you for the wondrous works of your hands. From age to age, you have been guiding and delivering your chosen ones, to freedom from slavery of men and of the spirits of evil, steering them into your light and on to the path of conversion, new life, righteousness and acknowledging their true Creator. As God Almighty and eternal, you have asserted your claim over mankind.

Our sins, Lord, compelled you to become incarnate and come as a mortal human being, to destroy sin and death forever, and reconcile us to yourself, by giving us eternal life and a renewed spirit. Jesus, the form you took on earth, called the Son of God and the Son of Man, born to mortality and yet with the power, wisdom and knowledge of deity, entered into the new Covenant of love of God and love of neighbor as ordained by you.

Jesus, came with the sole purpose of revealing your nature and attributes to us, your omnipotence and omniscience, your mercy, love and compassion. He liberated us till eternity, through our faith and your free grace as a gift. He gave us baptism in the spirit, abiding in the believer, and we in him, by our belief in him as the Son of God. Your love has no measure, Lord, which you proved, by the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross for our sins. We reinforce our faith of Christ as your Son, and abide with you and in you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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