2 Corinthians 5:21
April 29, 2021
Isaiah 25:8
May 1, 2021
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Isaiah 53: 5

30 April, 2021

But he was pierced for our sins, crushed for our iniquity. He bore the punishment that makes us whole, by his wounds we were healed. – Isaiah 53:5

Holy Invincible God, all exaltation and glory belong to you, for you are Lord and Creator of the whole universe and of everything contained therein and your creation is flawless and unblemished. But the one creation in your likeness, in your image, with your breath of life, betrayed and offended your infinite goodness and mercy and chose to follow your fallen angels, the powers and principalities of terror, darkness, sin, with all its wicked consequences.

But you are a God of restoration and righteousness, of deliverance and of the gift of redemption. As prophesied over aeons, you sent us a Messiah, your only Son, to take away all our sins and break the chains of bondage, destroying death and sin and awarding us eternal life.
He was relentlessly, unrighteously and cruelly persecuted by the very sinners he had come to save, thus restoring us in total reconciliation with you, our Father.

Jesus preached and revealed to us the good news of the truth of his coming and the rewards and benefits thereof, for all peoples of the world. He gave us your new commandment and covenant, to consecrate our lives to loving one another. He gave his life in service of all who believed in God’s mercy. Lord, it is Jesus’ ransoming his life to break the wretched curse of our transgressions that has sanctified us and washed us pure in righteousness. Thank you Father, for washing away our iniquity, by the Blood of our Savior, healing us to stand in your pure presence eternally, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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5 Prayers

  1. Anonymous says:

    God of peace, fill my soul with the wonder of your grace. Let me not forget the cost of your love. Stir in me the constant and abiding memory of your redemptive grace. Thank you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

  2. Amen to the above beautiful scripture verse and prayer made to our Heavenly Father in Jesus’ Precious Name. Thank You Jesus for paying the penalty for our sins, and obtaining for us the free gifts of Salvation, Healing and Eternal Life. It’s in Your Precious Name we pray. Amen. ?✝️❤️?

  3. Lydia says:

    Amen to the very inspiring scripture verse and prayer to our Heavenly Father made in the Holy Name of Jesus his beloved Son, who died on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins and gave us the promise of Eternal life. Praise and thank you Jesus. ??✝️