Acts 2:38
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John 20:21

24 May, 2021

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you”. – John 20:21

Eternal God, as we bask with tranquil harmony in the wonderful feeling of being a follower of Christ and children of our Heavenly Father, we stop to ponder and contemplate at what price, freedom for us, was obtained. And the treachery of man, to torture, torment and crucify Jesus, the prophesied Messiah, knowing in our hearts that he was the Son of the Living God, come to save us, reveals your infinite love and mercy towards mankind, unchanged by betrayal.

Father, you commissioned Jesus to come to earth as the Son of Man, to instill in us faith of your righteousness and show us the way to be followed, to come to you and be restored to you as
your children. Jesus fulfilled his mission of preaching the Gospel, performing miracles and completing your plan of salvation, in perfect accordance of your will, laying his life down for us, to grant us redemption and eternal life.

After his resurrection, he appeared to his apostles in peace, not holding anything against them for deserting him, in perfect reconciliation with all of them, amply demonstrating that they were forgiven by your love and mercy, ordaining them to carry on his ministry, by spreading the good tidings of the Gospel, convert sinners, plant churches, and administer ordinances. Lord, you are in perfect harmony with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the Triune Divinity and you have appointed us as messengers of your peace and love, to distribute the same to all who, through conversion become Christian brethren, and through evangelizing, continue the mission entrusted to us, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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