December 26, 2024
December 26, 2024
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Matthew 2:10-11


26 December, 2024

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.Matthew 2:10-11

Dear God of Goodness and Mercy, Who sent Jesus, your beloved Son, born of a virgin, to save mankind from the dreadful bondage of sin and eternal death, we rejoice and are exceedingly glad to commemorate the coming of Jesus into the world and we give great exaltation and joyous song at our Messiah’s promised coming, prophesied since early ages and awaited with hope.

An extraordinary star hailed the Savior’s coming, sighted in distant lands by men of great stature, who followed it to the place where Jesus lay. This Divine revelation, led them to pay homage to the Royal Prince, come on this earth in humble bearings. Lord, your great plan of salvation for the world involved your taking human form as Immanuel, ‘God with us’ to reveal to the world the real meaning of unconditional love.

The greatest moment in the history of the world was your coming, confirming that our perpetual redemption was at hand, but at the costly price of the Blood of the Son of Man, in Whose form you came and sacrificed your life to grant eternity to all peoples of the world, saving mankind for all time. This spiritual illumination, and belief that Jesus Christ came and saved both Jews and Gentiles from their sins, deepens our faith and compels us to grow in holiness and for this we beseech your help, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen

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