6 January, 2023
The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. Matthew 4:16
Eternal Father, you were, and your Word was, before the world was, and light was your first creation, from the utterance of your word, out of total void and darkness. Jesus is the Word and Jesus is the Light. He was, with you and in you, before the beginning of time. When we are in sin, you turn your radiant countenance away from us, and we experience the darkness of death and iniquity, the darkness of not having the knowledge of your Being and the darkness of ignorance of your word.
To save us from this enslavement which had perpetuated into our lives, you sent a Savior and Messiah into the world. He is your very Word which took flesh and which you made incarnate in the womb of the Virgin Mary. He took human form to give his life in ransom, for our freedom from sin and from bondage. Our Lord Jesus, the Light of the world, illuminated all those who saw and heard his voice, and believed. All those following him, in faith, he saved from the depth of darkness and radiated his life into their lives.
Everyone living the life of faith in Jesus and in his Father, have been covered by the new covenant and blessed with eternal salvation as co-heirs in your Kingdom, by your grace. You have manifested your presence through the Holy Spirit who is with us and in us, before us and after us, above us and around us, guiding, counseling, blessing, watching and warning us. With enduring belief in his being with us till the end of time and of our days on earth, we cleave to your redeeming grace and righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen