Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalms 119:105
The Word of God is the standard that we should follow in everything we think, say and do. It shows us the right way of handling everything. No matter how much progress there is in science, knowledge, and technology, the basic problems that all people have faced throughout history, are about the same. We all need food, love, education, sources of income, and also rest. But more than anything, every human being is in search of something bigger and stronger than himself to trust in.
God created us to have fellowship with Him, and after Adam and Eve sinned, all of their descendants were born with a void in their heart, which only God can truly fill. Only Jesus brings those who are spiritually dead, back to life, making us true temples of the Holy Spirit. From the beginning, God created all that mankind needs until the end of the world. Through Jesus, we return to the “Father-son” relationship with God, and by studying the Word we learn how to live right and benefit from all that the Lord has prepared for us.
Lord, thank You for Your Word and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Who reveals it to me and helps me to apply it in my daily walk with You. Thank You that the more I study Scripture, the more I understand what Your will is and I can follow it in the decisions I have to make. You want me to seek Your face and desire to please You. Please help me to never do anything against Your will and to walk on the path that Your Word enlightens. In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Source: thetruthstandsforever