And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. – Ephesians 4:30
The Holy Spirit never forces us to operate in His gifts, or do God’s will. He makes His presence known when we call on Him, teaches us when we ask Him to, helps us when we cry out to Him and who comforts us when we are broken. The more we seek to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit, the less chances there are to sin and grieve Him.
The Holy Spirit is one of the three persons of God’s Trinity and that is why He has feelings and can be grieved. Every sin grieves the Spirit of God and whenever we feel His grief inside of us we should know that we have to repent for what we did and ask the Lord to forgive us. Since we are born again, the Holy Spirit lives in us and has sealed us, proving that we are God’s forever.
Lord God, please help me live a pure life and never grieve the Holy Spirit. Thank You so very much, Holy Spirit for all the comfort, help, revelation, counsel and love you never stopped to offer me. Thank You Lord for helping me to change and become more and more like Jesus. Because You came to live in me, You are there,when I need You. Lord please help me to enter more often in Your presence so that the Holy Spirit may lead me into all the truth, as Jesus said He would. Thank You Father God for sending the Holy Spirit to be the best Comforter, Helper, Advocate and Counselor. In the Name of Jesus. Amen