7 November, 2021
Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. – Psalm 119:105
Abba Father, when we utter these words addressing you as Father, they instil in our hearts the truth and the living hope that we, as Christ’s followers, having our beings in him, are your children, adopted to sonship. This makes us co-heirs of the heavenly kingdom where we must take residence after our life on earth. And towards achieving this goal, dear Lord, you have given us complete instructions, which direct our path.
You are our God of Refuge, Restoration and Righteousness, leading us, guiding us, saving us, delivering us, protecting us, through the counsel of the Holy Spirit and the covenant forged with us, through Jesus our Mediator. He is the Way, the Truth the Life, and our Light, and following him, leads us straight to you. To direct us in all our doubts and difficulties, to preserve us from sin and misery, and to comfort us in all our fears and distresses, the promises you have made are lamps that dispel darkness.
Your promises that if we love you with all our hearts, minds, souls and senses and love our neighbor as ourselves, that if we keep the faith, and fulfill our commission to spread your Holy Word, we will receive salvation, helps us to stay steady and steadfast in our path of life. Be with us Lord, that we may appropriate the beneficence of holiness for the greater glory of your Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
2 Prayers
Prayer for remembering of version and meaning of that
Prayer to be in the spirit