January 2, 2024
Psalm 143: 10
January 4, 2024
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Psalm 119:11

3 January, 2024

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Psalm 119:11

Abba Father, our Lord and our God, you have been our Way and our Life every single day that we trudge upon the earth, a Father, a Counselor, a Divine Healer and a Deliverer. You have the key to the inmost secrets of our minds and hearts and you have guided our unstable steps by granting us the provision of your Holy Word, which is equivalent to a royal treasure, containing the precepts for gaining a righteous and eternal life, to dwell in your beneficent Presence.

We fervently pray that our lives will have the sustenance of your Word, to ponder upon diligently, so as to be a ready reference, embedded in our hearts, to provide comfort and aid for every occasion, and in all situations. We need the light of your precepts, and promises, as well as your stern warnings, and exhortations, to keep us from entering into the dark, dreadful areas of sin and shame, from which you have saved us at the cost of our Savior Jesus Christ’s life.

Your Holy Word, so necessary for correction and training in righteousness, needs to be ensconced where it is safe and secure, to be accessed for support, meditation and contemplation. Lord, help us to overcome adversity which threatens to engulf and manipulate the mind and thought, but which cannot infiltrate into our hearts, preventing communing with you in our heart, for such communion remains impenetrable. May your indwelling Holy Spirit and the sanctity of your Holy Word, in the safety of which we repose, inhabit our hearts and thwart our foes, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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