3 December, 2023
I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.
Psalm 130:5
God of Salvation, Hope, Compassion, as each day dawns, we look up to the heavens, praising and thanking you for renewing our spirits, so we can face another day. You are the Author of our lives, which goes in the direction you have set for it, as long as we walk with you in perfect trust, and wait on your Word. You created the firmament by your word, and we place great hope and belief, in its infallibility.
The desire to have some manifestation of your Being is so strong, that we often experience the Power of your Spirit in our lives. It is a palpable occurrence and gives us great solace, healing and inner peace. You extend your grace when our lives are pleasing in your sight. We dwell on your Holy Word and through avid prayer and meditation, successfully gain powerful insights on which path we should follow, to gain your favor and to incur the pardoning of our iniquities.
Lord, you have opened the gates of heaven for all who earn your grace and favor by reason of exemplary living. May we always repose in confidence that your word, once given, will attain its purpose and will not return to you empty. You are our only recourse and our firm belief in your promises to us, and the faith that you abide with your people till the end of our days gives us patience and hope, for the redemption that will surely come, in Jesus’ Name. Amen