23 September, 2021
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. – Psalm 34:8
Eternal Father, you are a Gracious God, full of loving mercy, of compassion and kindness and we lift your Glorious Name in the highest worship and praise, raising our voices to the highest heavens, for you alone are worthy of the magnifying honor and veneration offered to the King of the Universe, the Creator of the world. Your goodness Lord, we extol, for you came to deliver mankind and suffered and died as a mortal being for our salvation and eternal redemption.
Lord, you came as the Son of Man, to save sinners and suffered a most cruel death, at the hands of men you had come to die for, ransoming your life for all our offences. We betrayed you, but you saved us. And yet, you extended love, impartial and unconditional, forgiving all who had opposed you and inviting us to draw close to you, to experience your love and the goodness surrounding you. You offer protection, direction, peace, forgiveness, wisdom, to all who approach you in faith.
Lord, we trust you, and take refuge in you, regardless of the situations and circumstances of our life, good or bad. We surrender ourselves, body and soul, mind and spirit, with the confidence that during hard situations you rescue us and we truly experience your preservation, your righteousness and your justice, strength and power. We are blessed to be able to have you walking by our side, as we strive to follow your ways and commands and live in you, earning your favor, tasting your grace, as we unite in Jesus’ Name. Amen