5 June, 2023
Create in me a a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
God Almighty, Maker of the Firmament and Creator of all things, animate and inanimate, you shaped us in your likeness, and breathed your Spirit within us, giving us a pure and unstained heart. How ungrateful and fickle minded we turned out to be Lord, detestable and unworthy of our pure and infallible God. The magnitude of our sinfulness with which we tarnished your glory was truly unforgivable, yet you forgave mankind, by becoming incarnate and saving us.
We confess our sinful nature, our many weaknesses and wickedness and bow down before you, begging pardon for all our offences and praying that our minds and hearts, renewed by Christ’s atoning sacrifice, become unsullied and stay unblemished. As we repent and make expiation for our iniquity, and as we experience the cleansing of our souls by reparation for our sins, we resolve to stay sanctified by your Spirit, Lord.
We know that with your grace, we can and must live chaste lives, transforming our hearts and minds to live in Christ and abide in Christ. Only by our own edifying of the Church and the example of our own lives, can we become true witnesses of our faith and draw sinners to you, through penance and forgiveness. Bless us Lord, by making our hearts new and by constant renewal of our spirit, to walk in the light of your Spirit of Truth, in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen