1 John 1: 2
December 17, 2020
Psalm 126: 1-3
December 19, 2020
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Psalm 65: 1-2

18 December, 2020

Praise awaits you, O God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled. O you who hear prayer, to you all men will come. Psalm 65:1–2

Lord, Heavenly King, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Master of the universe, no praise is complete in word or song, to express the adoring awe we have in our hearts, when we behold the grace and providence, the succor and solace, the tender compassion and loving forgiveness you keep bestowing upon us, day after day.

Our lips and tongues are not worthy to utter or offer adequately, sufficient outpourings of our humble and contrite hearts, to a creator who surpasses any expression, purely by the immensity of his magnificent radiance and splendor and the immutable attributes embodying our perfect God.

And so, impregnable silence fills the air in unquenchable anticipation of your divine and glorious presence, which, in its chaste and iridescent manifestation, overpowers and consumes the entire atmosphere and fills the hearts of your people so completely, that it brings forth a melodious hurricane of song and praise in its wake and rises to a crescendo befitting to our Lord and God.

We have consecrated our lives to you through conversion and baptism and renewal of our hearts by the indwelling spirit of truth. All our faith, hope and beliefs rest in you, Lord and as messengers of the truth and harbingers of the good tidings of our living God, we hasten to fulfill all pledges and promises made, All the statutes and precepts of your doctrines, we faithfully endeavor to adhere to, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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4 Prayers

  1. Amen to the above powerful and inspiring scripture verse and prayer. Praise, thank, worship, adore, trust and glorify God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. Alleluia. ??️❤️?

  2. Lydia says:

    Amen to the scripture verse and prayer made to our Heavenly Father in the precious Name of Jesus our Savior and Redeemer. We love you Lord and exalt your Holy Name. ?✝️?