October 23, 2024
October 23, 2024
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Romans 12:12


23 October, 2024

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer – Romans 12:12

Almighty Father, we offer you praise and exaltation, Loving Father, for the unfaltering assurance in your Holy Word, which is true and unchangeable. Our hope is sustained on nothing less than trusting in the cross of Christ and the everlasting joy of adhering to your Word. The world, with its endless tests, temptations, distractions, weighs us down with stress and torment, but we rely on the promises of your Covenant, bearing our sufferings with patience, for your strength is sufficient to see us through every difficulty of life.

Jesus, our Savior, has already overcome sin and death and we are united with him and his victory. We find comfort in approaching you in prayer Father, our Divine Healer, because constant prayer, is one of the chief weapons in spiritual warfare and is bound to vanquish evil. And so we constantly lift our hearts and voice to you in prayers of thanks and praise and intercession, laying them before the throne of your Grace, in the name of Jesus, for he that is in us, is greater than he that is in the world.

We are deeply grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, to counsel us and aid in the process of purification of our lives, necessary for our salvation. It is towards this that we work by spreading your love and peace to our brethren, sharing our joys and sorrows, lightening each other’s burdens, to grow selflessly in fellowship and brotherhood. Jesus has taught us to serve one another to grow in humility, and we hope to achieve this grace in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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