May 23, 2023
May 23, 2023
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Romans 8: 39

23 May, 2023

Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:39

Abba Father, Gracious, Glorious and Righteous, you are the Creator and Maker of all creatures, of variable sizes and features. You have created life in many forms, be it plants and trees, animals of the earth and the seas and birds of the sky and the earth, and most importantly, human life, which you fashioned after you and into which you breathed your breath and bequeathed your Spirit. You are the Ruler of all, movable, unmovable, visible, invisible. Great and Mighty are you, O Lord!

Yet, your love of mankind is such, that it is unparalleled and divine, indisputable and incomparable and exceeds all boundaries and standards of human understanding and comprehension. This is effectively revealed by the fact that when we were yet sinners and disgraced in your eyes, by your matchless plan of salvation, your only Son Jesus, born of a virgin, became incarnate and laid down his life, in perfect obedience of your plan of eternal salvation for all humankind.

The depravity of man and the eternal consequences of sin, which is alienation from you, God, was salvaged by Christ’s ransom of his blood for purchase of our freedom from slavery and apostasy. The good news of the amazing gospel of grace, and the final glorious outcome for all who trust in Christ for the remission of sins, revealed the astonishing truth that we are saved by your free grace, and our faith, to receive the eternal gift of salvation through Jesus’ death. We live in Christ and in communion with you and absolutely nothing can destroy the love you have for us, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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