April 21, 2024
April 21, 2024
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1 Chronicles 16:34

21 April, 2024

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

Abba Father, we call upon you with joy and jubilation, celebrating your Goodness and Kindness and thanking you for your immense grace in granting us, sinners, but also believers by faith in Jesus, access to you. For you gave us your covenant  of love, through our Lord Jesus, who has reconciled us into an eternal relationship, and co-existence with him, in the Heavenly Kingdom, to reside with you forevermore.

We are your creation, and take great delight in calling you Father, knowing that as your elect and chosen people, you have given us the honored status of your children, by adopting us to sonship. Through your goodness, for you are the essence of perfect holiness and righteousness, you have upheld your very own and have justified and purified us through your merciful deliverance. Your dominion is forever and we praise you for your wondrous deeds that establishes you as God of all.

We have complete assurance and confidence of your love, dear Father, which endures forever. We experience your mercy and compassion and our hearts are renewed as we trust in your faithfulness. You created humanity and will restore your creation to its former glory by your plan of redemption. You direct your chosen ones, have provided salvation for us through your Son’s death and have extended your presence to all your people through the Holy Spirit. Our soul stirs with great upliftment, while our voices lift in prayer and worship, in the powerful Name of Jesus. Amen

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