3 July, 2021
Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. – 1 Chronicles 16:11
God, our Father, the One, True, Living God, Who showers continuous grace, blessings and sustenance in accordance with our needs, we adore, worship and glorify you, for your everlasting love and steadfastness, notwithstanding our human fickleness, folly and corruption. We proclaim your greatness and dominion and bless your Holy Name. We render you gratitude in songs of praise.
Lord, your unfailing mercy towards your people, offers us substantial assurance that we can always depend on your faithfulness to save us from trouble when we have faith, true belief and total reliance on your indisputable strength, when we are weak. You have blessed us with your Holy Spirit and we seek you with the comfort of children seeking their father for help, surrendering ourselves to your care with absolute trust. Help us Lord, to never doubt your saving help in the midst of calamity.
Your Holy Word guides our path and provides staying power when we stumble, for you uphold us with your righteous hand and help us grow spiritually in the strength of your word. Lord God, we humbly appeal to your goodness to grant us remission of our sins and make fervent endeavours to stay within the realm of your saving grace, abiding in Christ to draw nearer in your favor, that with ennobled and purified hearts, we may enter your presence, in Jesus’ Name. Amen