February 16, 2022
February 17, 2022
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1Corinthians 2:12

16 February, 2022

We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 1 Corinthians 2:12

God of our Redemption, we humbly bow and offer you our hearts overflowing with grateful praise, for you have uplifted our souls to a state impossible to obtain through our own worldly devices. We had fallen to such an abject state of slavery to sin and death that, but for your divine plan, it would have left us to be consumed by perils of the fire of eternal damnation. But you were never going to desert us to such a fate, for we are your creation.

Jesus took up the yoke of salvation and came in human form to perform an unprecedented mission, through his ministry preaching, teaching  and unraveling his Father God’s eternal righteousness, faithfulness and steadfast love for treacherous human beings. Christ was most cruelly crucified, and won the victory of eternal life for us, by destroying sin and death.

The salvific gift of redemption, the  sanctification, protection, and the hope of eternal life, these eminently excellent favors are freely given by you and we learn this not through philosophy and preaching but through the revelations of the Holy Spirit. You granted your Spirit to repentant sinners for spiritual growth through divine teaching and intervention, to enable us to grasp the secrets and truth of the heavenly kingdom which is our inheritance gained by faith, and your grace through Jesus, our Lord. Amen

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2 Prayers

  1. Lydia says:

    Amen to the above powerful scripture verse and prayer.
    Praise be to God ! Thank you Jesus for
    forgiving our sins and for the free gift of salvation and eternal life. Please help us live our lives in obedience to your Holy Will , Amen ?❤️