November 14, 2021
November 15, 2021
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Jeremiah 33:14

14 November, 2021

The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.” Jeremiah 33:14

Almighty God, you reign the universe with Power and Might and the whole of creation submits to your Holy Will, grateful to have a God who brings good out of evil, light out of darkness and peace and harmony amidst despair and discord. You are the God of Promises which are everlasting, for your Word, once spoken, accomplishes and fulfills that for which it was purposed.

We humbly trust and rely on the assurances of your Holy Word and your New Covenant handed to us by our Redeemer Jesus Christ, increasing our faith in these moments of deep crises when chaos and turmoil are predominant and the wall of darkness and destruction seems to be closing in upon us. At such moments it is the strength and steadfastness of your Word that stills our doubts and contains our fears.

We are being tested in the fire of endurance and are reminded to keep our focus on Jesus. He is our hope, our Salvation, our Deliverer, our Lord of Righteousness. We are fortified by the Truth of his reign, yet to come, and are freed of panic and fear, in the knowledge that you, our Heavenly Father, has, through Jesus, declared us as your children, co-heirs of a rich inheritance of our true and eternal home, the Heavenly Kingdom, where we will reside for all eternity in the Holy Presence of the Triune Godhead. This will come to pass in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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4 Prayers

  1. Lydia says:

    Amen to the above scripture verse and prayer. Praise , glory, honour and thanksgiving to the Triune Godhead, now and forevermore.?✝️?️

  2. Joan says:

    Make us yearn for your kingdom Oh Lord!