November 4, 2023
November 4, 2023
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Job 19:25

4 November, 2023

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. – Job 19:25

Abba Father, you are our Savior, our King, our EverLiving, Immortal God, and with great longing, we await your second coming, as the day of your ultimate triumph in our world. We worship and adore your Might and your Mercy, holding fast to you as our Stronghold and Refuge and pray that your Heavenly Kingdom, with its eternal salvation, may be earned and reflected in our ministry, our family and our lives. We yearn for the day when we will behold your ethereal coming, riding in all Glory on a white horse, to claim what is your own.

Father, we want to increase in faith and holiness, to make ourselves worthy of belonging to you, as a child to his father, and worthy of seeing our Savior, and this joy obliterates all the sufferings we go through. We can forget all the pressures and troubles and in faith reflect what lies ahead for us after our struggles, our strife, our tribulations on earth come to an end. This can come to pass by a life dedicated in service to you, a life of obedience, humility and total surrender, in the firm hope of our bodily resurrection after death, a hope shared by all true believers.

Lord, we are facing interminable wars, devastations of natural calamities, terrorism, and various other challenging circumstances which, with the knowledge of our mortality gives us the strength to bear them till they pass away. For we rest in the surety that your Presence continues, and by abiding in Christ and availing of, as well as acknowledging the Power of your Spirit, we will overcome all trouble and await our arrival in heaven, through our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. Amen

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