18 February, 2022
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. – John 14:26
Eternal God, Omnipotent, Everlasting Father, we are comforted by the truth that you have given us your Holy Spirit to guide and protect us till the end of our life on earth. This enlightening fact was made known to us in the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ, before his ascension. The Spirit is filled with the authority of our Lord Jesus and dwells within the heart of every believer who has faith in the promises of your Holy Word.
The indwelling Spirit counsels and comforts, teaches and directs, thereby enriching our hearts and minds, while imparting wisdom and knowledge that takes us to a higher spirituality. Lord, we are purified and cleansed by your Holy Spirit, who instructs us in our ignorance and guides us in our blindness. Who ceaselessly revives and revitalizes our spirit to carry our cross and follow Christ every day, uplifting our brethren in love and selflessness.
Father, we strive to remain one with you in the Spirit, Who renews the teaching and preaching of our Lord Jesus, and exhorts us to carefully and fearlessly follow in the way of truth and the light of faith. For it is to render you glory and majesty and to fulfill our duties as Christians that we base our life on. We have the assurance of a place in the heavenly domains and we humbly and sincerely work towards the merit of your grace and favor in Jesus’ Name. Amen
1 Prayer
My heavenly father my comforter teach me how to study your words and understand in JESUS NAME Amen