January 23, 2025
January 23, 2025
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Matthew 13:44


23 January, 2025

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field”. – Matthew 13:44

Loving Father, our Savior and Redeemer, we come before You with hearts open to the treasures You reveal in Your Word, precious and worth more than anything we possess. Lord, give us eyes to see the eternal value of Your love and grace, and the wisdom to prioritize it above the fleeting pleasures of this world. Help us to recognize that all we need is found in You, and in this recognition, may our hearts overflow with gratitude and joy. Let us surrender the distractions of life to seek You wholeheartedly, knowing that what we gain in You far outweighs what we give up.

Gracious Lord, teach us to let go of what binds us to this earthly life—our fears, pride, and selfish desires. Help us to trust that the sacrifices we make for Your kingdom are not losses but gains in the light of eternity. May we learn to live with open hands and hearts, offering everything to You in faith, knowing that in return, You fill us with peace, joy, and the riches of Your Spirit. Remind us that true wealth is not measured by earthly standards but by the depth of our relationship with You.

Lord, guide our hearts to treasure what truly matters: Your presence, Your purpose, and Your promises. Strengthen our faith, so we may walk boldly toward You, leaving behind anything that hinders our pursuit of Your kingdom. Let the joy of knowing You fuel our journey, and may our lives become a reflection of Your love and glory. In every moment, may we keep our eyes fixed on the treasure that is You, Jesus, our greatest reward. Amen

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