25 October, 2021
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7
Heavenly Father, we reverence your Holy Name above all names, for in your Omnipotence we see our True, Living, Sovereign Majesty Who has supernatural Power and uncontained Glory emanating from the Holiness of your Being, making all things possible. We see our Immortal, Omnipresent God, Who we can find in every fibre of our own beings and exists among us in the very air that we breathe.
We comprehend the Omniscience of our God, all-knowing, Who can read our innermost thoughts and from Whom nothing is hidden. We pray to you, Father and believe that you know exactly what we ask of you and we have deep faith of the fulfillment of your promise to reward us by answering our prayer, very often in an incomprehensible, unconventional and unexpected manner, to benefit us.
Our faith, diligence, honesty, humility and perseverance are put to the test, but our faith is never in vain. For in Jesus’ Name all things are granted, as promised by you. The promise, that we shall have, signifies an answer, either in kind or in value. The promise of giving lets us know that our prayer is not held meritorious, but your promises are unfailing and are given with the very purpose of fulfillment, when asked and sought by belief, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
1 Prayer
Heavenly father, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We think you for always answering our prayers. Thank you Lord for making us to understand this morning in your word that asking should be a duty and seeking too. For you will always give to who so ever calls upon your name. We thank you Lord. Your name is blessed and all Glory is yours . In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.