May 31, 2022
May 31, 2022
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Proverbs 13:6

31 May, 2022

Justice guards one who walks honestly, but sin leads the wicked astray. – Proverbs 13:6

Lord God, you are Bountiful, Glorious and Gracious to those who keep your ordinances and commands and also to those who, having sinned, are grievously penitent and return safely to the path leading to you. Lord, we thank you for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to give us good council and guard us from falling astray, away from the fold which Jesus, our Good Shepherd founded for our security, where all believers, transformed to righteousness, are the members of his mystical body, the Church.

Lord, you have placed before us two paths to choose from. One, the path of holiness leading to spiritual and eternal life in you, by diligently and reverently doing what is your calling, by exemplary service to you and our brethren, by the generosity of an open heart, pulling out the seed of hatred, and unforgiveness, to win your grace and favor. The other, the path of darkness, vindication, wickedness, spiritual blindness, ending in spiritual death, forever lost to you.

Lord, you have left the choice to us. As each day dawns, Lord, let us wake up with the conviction that you are walking with us, step by step, your steadfast Spirit leading and protecting us in the holiness, integrity and safety of the path you have set for us, never swerving off it and in all loyalty, adhering to your Holy Will in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

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