Habakkuk 2:3
March 24, 2020
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Psalm 103: 13-14

March 25, 2020
As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:13–14

Lord our God, merciful God and Almighty Father in heaven, we beseech you, look upon us as your children. For in spite of everything, all of us are allowed to be your children and to praise you for all the good you are doing and for all you still want to do for us. We thank you Father, for your endless mercy and compassion on your sinful creation. You have always forgiven our sins, when we pray and repent and you redeem and succour us with complete love.

Hear our prayer as we come to you with particular concerns, asking for your will to be done in us, for everything to be carried out according to your good purpose, that we may be joyful even in hard and serious times and may hold fast to what you have promised. You gently direct our paths, so that we tread in righteousness, leaving and shedding our sinful, rebellious selves for the purity and sanctity, the peace and harmony and the holiness and godly perfection and obedience of your ways. .

Father, your grace is sufficient for us, for your strength is made perfect in all our weaknesses. Lord, we hold you in awe, every time we feel your healing touch, your gentle love, your fervent mercy, rightly knowing the frailty and fickleness of our human nature, saving us from the deep, miry pits of iniquity the moment you hear our cry. You have redeemed us and made us whole. We are not worthy, yet you have never abandoned us and we are eternally grateful, in Jesus’ Name, to belong to you alone. Amen

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