19 September, 2021
You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for Your word.
Psalm 119:114
God our Father, you are our Stronghold, our Rampart, our Refuge and our Fortress. Lord, we give grateful thanks to you and worship and adore your Holy Name. Man, who was under bondage to the rulers of darkness and wickedness, were waiting for a deliverer, a Messiah, prophesied through the ages. But you Lord, had already worked out a plan of Salvation and at the time and hour predestined by you, Jesus our Savior entered the world, redeeming us from iniquity and death, with eternal salvation.
Lord, you reward all the faithful, who follow Jesus and live according to your Holy Word, which is the gospel of Truth to all who want to be saved. In the midst of bitter trials and tribulations, sickness and pain, experienced in our lives, the shadows of evil threaten and tempt us with vain glory and delusional desires. Lord, we need your protection through the Power of your Holy Spirit, every day and we need to live in obedience to your Holy Will, to avoid Satan’s snares.
Lord, you are our protection and solace, and as long as we abide in you, we are covered by your grace and by the spiritual armor of your Holy Word, which imparts wisdom, knowledge and truth. Your Holy Spirit, indwelling in our hearts and souls shows us the way to follow. Grant us peace and fortitude Lord, in these present times, to rely on your faithfulness and to hold on to you, for you are our safe hiding place and we trust in your divine mercy, and in your providence, in Jesus’ Name. Amen