Isaiah 41:10
January 20, 2021
Matthew 11:28
January 22, 2021
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Psalm 18:6

21 January, 2021

In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears. Psalm 18:6

O Lord, our Rock and our Refuge, we exalt your name to the heavens and magnify your goodness and mercy towards your creation, the human race. You heed our cry when we empty our hearts out to you from the depths of our anguish and we feel your divine manifestation when you deliver us out of our misery.

Lord, we have proved unfaithful to your uprightness, but even when we fell from grace, you did not desert us, but came down to earth in human form, to rescue us from the dark mires we had become slaves of, blotting out the curse of wickedness and nailing the sins of the entire humanity upon the cross of our salvation.

Our Lord Jesus, suffered the humiliation of the fickleness and treachery of man, who, for vain worldly glory and temporal pleasures can deliver and betray their own to the enemy, to the vile rulers of darkness. The perils of death surrounded him and he was forsaken by all, to atone for the transgressions of men. Father, you entrusted to your own beloved Son the mission of destroying darkness and spreading your radiant light of peace and love to all mankind.

Such is your immeasurable sea of mercy and your unparalleled love that when humanity turned to you with resounding pleas out of the desperation of their spirit, you not only listened, but hastened to unburden and restore them when the penitent heart sought for upliftment. Thank you Father for your love, forgiveness and steadfastness to your people, through our intercessor, Jesus the Lord, who abides with us and in us, through the Holy Spirit. Amen

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