11 July, 2022
I will remember the works of the Lord. Surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.
Psalm 77: 11-12
Abba Father, your Mercy and Love, your Justice and Bounty, to all your creation through endless ages, are recorded and taught, preached and commemorated by believers all over the world. The mighty deliverance of your people from the bonds of slavery, your beneficence and dispensation towards all those who follow you and proclaim your Holy Name are wonders which deepen our faith in your immeasurable love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness of our iniquities and trespasses.
You have saved and restored your people innumerable times and far beyond our expectations. For we are undeserving and unworthy sinners, and yet, your anger is dissipated, for your mercy and benevolence is so great, that you erase all our evil doing when we remember your awesome deeds towards us. We bring to mind the compensation you bestow on us when we need you, and we give you thanks, for your unchanging and inexhaustible mercy.
We take great comfort in the knowledge that you are the same God Who has rescued us and given us the great gift of salvation through Jesus our Lord. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God revealed and given glory by Jesus, your beloved Son, the God of Power and Might, of Majesty and Magnificence. We dwell upon all the wondrous works of your hands and render our gratitude, in songs of praise, for you are our refuge, you are the Ever living God who comforts and assuages our pain in our trials, and with invigorated faith we will give you acclaim amongst all people, spreading the good news of your gospel and glorifying you endlessly, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen