January 23, 2023
January 24, 2023
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Romans 5: 1-2

23 January, 2023

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ – Romans 5:1

Dear Father in heaven, we adore you and worship you for the incredible and incomprehensible love and mercy you bestow on your creation and we elevate your Holy Name for forgiving us of our iniquity and spiritual deprivation. This act of Mercy was performed at an immense price, which can never be equalled or repaid, but which makes us forever indebted to you. We honor our Lord Jesus Christ for the justification he has granted us and for reconciling us with you, from everlasting to everlasting.

Our faith and belief in our Lord Jesus’ promises and the unparalleled sacrifice of his life to free us from bondage and grant us eternal salvation, brings us down on our knees in humility and in praise of your unending Glory. Grant us Lord, the peace that surpasses all the torments and temptations of this world, by having your Holy Spirit indwelling in our lives and in our hearts, as our guide and companion, counsellor and teacher.

In community with you, our earthly troubles fall away and we remain in your peace despite our failures and shortcomings, and inspite of all the toil we must gladly take upon ourselves. Watch over us and keep our hearts unshaken, clear, and steady. Keep us in the certainty that your kingdom is coming, and can be plainly seen, so that all people can receive the good you have planned for them. Be with us through all the perils of this earthly existence, experiencing communion with you in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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