5 September, 2020
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7–8
Heavenly Father, Ruler of the heavens and the earth, all the natural and supernatural elements tell of your praise and glory by offering perfect obedience to your Holy Will and your Holy Word. We humbly beseech you to grant us forgiveness for our unworthiness, and bless us with fortitude to cling to and follow the Light of Truth by walking in the footprints of our Savior and Redeemer and focusing on the merits and inheritance of eternal posterity awaiting us at the gates of Heaven. Your kingdom must come to the glory of your Name and towards this commission entrusted to us we must with endurance move forward, holding on to our steadfast faith and upholding the Truth that is your Holy Word, the message of salvation and eternal life as crowns of honor for the righteous. Enable us with stoic affirmation of faith to wield battle relentlessly, against the powers of darkness. The earth and its false illusions had deadened our minds and hearts. Procrastination, mindless entertainment, avarice, instant fortunes had become common indulgences, giving us a false sense of prolonged mortality. But the unexpected emergence of the pandemic which brought the world to its knees has shaken us to the reality of how fleeting life is. Faith has now taken precedence and trust in your supreme love and saving grace has stirred our hearts to repentance and a sense of urgency in treading the path of virtue that leads to you. We profess our faithfulness and integrity in the ministerial work to which we are intended. By good example and conduct we resolve to be faithful, engaging in our mission as a sacrificial offering to you, persevering to the finish, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
4 Prayers
Amen! Amen! Thanks for.the lovely scripture verse and prayer to the Heavenly Father made in the Name of Jesus.???
Amen Praise the Lord… ?❤?
Amen! Help us Lord Jesus to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow you, because in this way we will conquer sin and gain salvation and eternal life which is promised to all who believe in you. Also let us proclaim the message of the Gospel you preached, so that by evangelizing, we may lead others to the faith, so that all will be saved. Please give us the strength and courage to obey your Word and thus submit to your Will, resisting the devil and winning the crown of eternal life in Heaven. It’s in your Holy Name we pray. Amen. Alleluia. ??✝️❤️
Alleluia Amen… Praise God ?❤?