Proverbs 3:19
June 3, 2021
Matthew 6:34
June 5, 2021
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Psalm 103:10-12

4 June, 2021

He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:10–12

Abba Father, we praise and glorify you for you are overflowing in goodness and compassion, your bountiful grace and faithfulness towards your mortal creation. We are imperfect and wanting in virtue, sinners of grave misdemeanors, repeatedly courting sin and its repercussions, revolting and rebellious, making ourselves easy prey for evil snares and pitfalls of Satanic influences.

We have erred so grievously and offended your infinite benevolence to the extent that we are undeserving of your graces and unworthy of the kindnesses you bestow upon us. Heavenly Father, you understand our weak and wanton spirits and rescue us from the dire consequences of our infidelities.

We would have been doomed to hell fire, but for your saving grace. You took upon yourself the inflictions of our iniquities when you sent the Messiah, our Lord Jesus, your own beloved Son to bring to fruition your plan of redemption for sinful and fickle minded mankind. Father, we bow in humiliation and beg forgiveness for the treatment we meted out to our Savior, crushing him under our transgressions and crucifying him for our guilt.

But you have repaid this heinous act not by condemnation but by granting indemnity for our misdeeds and affording us a chance to achieve perfection and eternal salvation by our repentance and retribution.

We are thankful beyond measure and grateful beyond expression that you have adopted us to an everlasting relationship in your Presence. We resolve, by faith and action, to stay true to your precepts and accomplish your Holy Will in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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5 Prayers

  1. Withdrawl From Propecia

  2. Amen to the above beautiful scripture verse and prayer. Thank You Abba Father for loving us so much, that You sent Your only begotten son into the world to die on the cross of Calvary for our sins, thus obtaining for all who believed in Him, the free gifts of salvation and eternal life. Thank You Abba Father. It’s in Jesus’ Precious Name we pray. Amen.?✝️❤️

  3. Lydia says:

    Thank you Heavenly Father for your steadfast love and saving grace.
    We are forever grateful to you for sending your beloved son Jesus into the world to be our Savior and redeem us from all our iniquities. Praise and thank you Jesus. It’s in your precious Name we pray, Amen . ?✝️?