3 February, 2025
Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him there is no variation or shadow cast by turning. – James 1:17
Merciful and Generous, Faithful and Gracious God, your mercy and power is endless and absolute, for you are Omnipotent and your Grace is complete. You have always supplied our needs by the riches of your glory in Jesus’ Holy Name. Your Omnipresence and Omniscience makes you an ever watchful Father, knowing our desires, hearing our prayers and sustaining us in the refuge of your love and compassion for your earthly children.
With your radiance you shine your beatific countenance upon us, ready to uphold and uplift us in our invocations to you. You are a God who keeps his promises and never fails to rescue and encompass us with your healing graces and the perfect gifts of your benevolence and sustenance. Lord, when we were submerged in ungodliness and lost to you, with your inexhaustible compassion you paved our path with the pure light of your holiness and shielded us from the danger of the darkness of sin and shame. You brought us into your purifying light.
Your unconditional generosity endowed us with the goodness of your graces and blessings, and the redeeming sacrifice of our Saviour and Benefactor, sent by you in the form of your beloved Son Jesus, as a perfect sacrifice for the sake of our eternal salvation, liberated us from the bondage of sin and death. Jesus victoriously defeated the wicked one and elevated us to the status of your children and co-heirs of the precious glories of your eternal Kingdom. Lord, we cling to your divinity and in our humanity, invoke your assistance in every step we take, through Jesus our Lord. Amen