Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; – Colossians 3:12
As Christians, we are “the elect of God, holy and beloved,” but not based on our own efforts or because we became sinless. When we truly repent and ask God to forgive our sins, we receive “Jesus’ righteousness”. Once we become Christians, we separate ourselves from the world, seeking to please God, and obeying Him (no longer obeying the carnal nature), making us different than those who live in sin.
Paul being led by the Holy Spirit, called those whom he addressed in his letter and advised the saints in Colosse, for they still had room for improvement, and were not holy because of their own works or because they had become sinless, but because God chose them, and they said yes. It is the same for us too. If we regret when we sin and sincerely repent, asking God to forgive us and do our best to live in obedience to the Lord, we are cleansed by Jesus’ blood and through His righteousness we are holy.
Glory and honor to You Lord, and thank You, for Your unlimited grace and mercy that You pour over me every day. Please help me make the right decisions and be led by the Holy Spirit and not my carnal nature. Lord please help me allow the fruit of the Holy Spirit, who is indwelling in me, to manifest and overcome my old ways of reacting to what happens around me. Please help me to put on mercy, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen