“Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]” – John 14:27
All the torment I had to go through in the last few years, caused me to understand more than ever that it is our personal choice to enjoy life and be happy because we are God’s children and refuse to be unhappy based on circumstances. Being sad or unhappy does not change anything for the better. On the contrary, our unhappiness might make things worse for us and those around us, including robbing them of their joy.
Jesus said that He gave us His own peace! In our born-again spirit we do have the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which includes love, joy, and peace (Galatians 5:22). These three work hand in hand. Love is the key to being able to not get easily offended and be quick to forgive those who hurt us. Love and peace make us joyful. By valuing our joy, we do our best to keep it and as a result, we have more peace.
By fighting against fear, anxiety, worry and all bad emotions, we keep our peace and a merry heart. It is truly worth it to keep our peace. An agitated and tormented life does us no good. Getting involved in arguments, just for the sake of being right or having the last word, brings nothing else but trouble. The more we follow our Lord’s leadership, the happier we are.
Dear Lord, thank You so very much for Your peace, which is beyond any understanding! I love Your peace so much. Please give me Your wisdom so that I learn how to keep my peace and joy by not permitting myself to be fearful, intimidated, cowardly or unsettled, no matter the situation. Father God, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so that His fruit will abound in my life and I may live right, pleasing You. Glory and praises to Your Holy Name dear Lord. Amen.
Source: thetruthstandsforever