Proverbs 18: 10
May 22, 2022
May 23, 2022
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Proverbs 18: 10

22 May, 2022

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the just run to it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10

Lord of all, our one, true God, you are our Creator and Provider, our Healer, our Shepherd. You are our King and our Father. O Sovereign Lord, King of the universe, we praise you for your love for us, and take refuge in your love for us. We praise you, Jesus, the resurrection and the life, the one who gives eternal life. We don’t have to fear death, for you are the resurrection and the life. We find in you, the way to the truth and the life.

You, dear Lord and Savior, are the bread of life. Our daily nourishment, supplying all our needs when we seek in your Name, saving us from being famished, and weary, for we rest in you and eat of the bounty you have provided. You are all that we need, our Redeemer, our Rescuer, our Savior and the source of our salvation.When we think about the penalty for our multiple, deadly sins, we turn to you and find safety and salvation in you, our Savior, as you envelop us with love.

Lord, You are a God of love and we find refuge in your love. You are a God of mercy, a God of strength, a God of refuge, shelter and righteousness and we find comfort, consolation and reassurance in your promises, for we know they are unshakeable and we know that our faith is well founded in your righteousness. We know that as long as we reside in Christ and He in us, we have the complete protection of the great power of your indwelling Spirit in us, and we fear neither death nor destruction as we place our hope and trust in you, Father, in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen


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  1. Need help with an illness I have had for the past several years.