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Psalm 126: 1-3

19 December, 2020

When the Lord brought us back to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! How we laughed, how we sang for joy! Then the other nations said about us, “The Lord did great things for them.” Indeed he did great things for us; how happy we were! Psalm 126:1–3

Heavenly Father, all glory, honor and praise be yours, for you reign in splendor and righteousness. We have full belief in your steadfastness, hope in your faithfulness, and promise in your gratuitousness. Our reckless nature leads us to fall away from grace and become shackled by the powers of evil, but when we call upon your name, you rescue us with one fell swoop of your mighty hand and uphold us till we regain steadiness in faith.

You are invincible and infallible, and your perfection is difficult to emulate. But the strength of your spirit and the reward your promises offer, help us to resume our climb towards virtuousness. The incredible sacrifice made by our Savior Jesus Christ in rescuing us from perdition and reinstating us on holy ground is far more precious than the possession of worldliness. We work toward the reward of an eternal inheritance in your heavenly kingdom.

You are a promise keeper, dear Father and our hearts are glad that we have a living God, who manifests his presence in our lives and encourages and strengthens us in our tribulations and despondency. You raise us up, Lord to accomplish the impossible. Your grace is sufficient for us. Salvation, which we received at a very costly price, the ransom of our Messiah’s life against the sins of the world, is our staying power. Help us Father, to reach our heavenly abode and rejoice in your presence forevermore, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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