May 16, 2021
1 Corinthians 2:12
May 19, 2021
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Romans 8:35

16 May, 2021

What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword?
Romans 8:35

Abba Father, you have given us a new covenant, of love for you, and for our neighbor, for you are Love, in all its perfection. This you manifested, when you gave us your only Son as a perfect sacrificial offering, which bought our freedom from the wicked ruler of the world and won us salvation and a place in your Heavenly Kingdom. This sublime act reconciled us with you, as your appointed children and we exalt your Holy Name for your wondrous deeds.

Jesus has given us new life in you, by continuing to abide in us through the power of your Holy Spirit. Neither Satan or wickedness in any form has power over men, as long as we remain in Christ, with complete faith, trust and belief, for the Lord has already redeemed mankind.
We know that we have crosses to carry in this world, and trials and dangerous times will test our mettle as Christians. But Jesus, by his preaching your Holy Word and suffering and dying for us has prepared us to face all nature of tough persecutions by the power of your grace.

Lord, we honor and cherish your perfect plans for your children. Our deep faith and trust, and the knowledge that we have an eternal life as co-heirs of the heavenly kingdom, if we face all sufferings on earth with the peace that Jesus has given us and with perfect obedience to your Holy Will, acts as a driving force. We will endeavor to live exemplary lives of service to reap the merits awaiting us and to reside with you forevermore, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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