March 3, 2022
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1 John 1:9

3 March, 2022

If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing. – 1 John 1:9

Abba Father, we acknowledge that we have been beneficiaries of your immeasurable compassion, through endless ages and will continue in times to come. With gratefulness in our hearts, we exalt your Holy Name to the heavens. Your works are so magnificent that they are beyond the comprehension of us, mere mortals. Your love for us exceeds through the ages, stretching across all boundaries and your promises are true and unshakable. You shower us with loving kindness, which gives us strength and fills our hearts with exultant hope.

You are the God of Righteousness, for you have never abandoned us, knowing our weaknesses and susceptibility to sin. You sent your Son Jesus Christ, the Anointed Messiah and promised Saviour, whose sacrificial death paid the price for our sins and whose glorious resurrection transferred us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Light and Truth, making us a new creation in Christ, clothing us in His own righteousness and sending His Holy Spirit to permanently indwell our heart.

Father, we have the assurance of eternal life in Christ Jesus, if we remain true to your new covenant of love of God and neighbor, living in total obedience of your Holy Will and Word. We are truly penitent and in great humility, confess our sinfulness, walking in the Spirit, and bearing witness to our Christian faith. We pray that by fervently avoiding evil and seeking your mercy and justice when we err, we can become recipients of your grace, partaking of our heavenly inheritance as your children, through Christ our Lord. Amen

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1 Prayer

  1. 1 John 1 vs 9 Prayer: O God our Creator, Protector, Eternal Ruler and Maker of all things, because of your unparalleled love of humanity, Jesus was anointed to be a Saviour, that he should be a sacrificial Lamb, to make forgiveness atonement thorough the blood Of Jesus the Living Christ for the Redemption of all mankind for all time. Jesus the Living Christ thank you taking away all humanity’s bad choices right now and Jesus the Living Christ take away all of the bad desisions to be nailed to the Cross of Jesus the Living Christ and I also command every greatest weakness depart out of every mankind being and your works of Mercy, bring good out of it. In the several testing and threatening times of our lives Lord, it is your compassion and grace, that help us go on with cheerfulness and courage in course of the routine of our daily work and duty. Lord, as Jesus promised, the Holy Spirit, our Counselor and Guide, came down to be with us for all time, enkindling the fire of love and repentance in our hearts, increasing our faith, invoking for us when we are helpful, and endowing us with your grace, to go on steadfastly in our duties, fearlessly walking the path of Truth. The Power of your Spirit, helps us defeat our spiritual evil adversaries reigms right now gives us endurance and fortitude to bear our cross with boldness. Your Holy Spirit descended upon your apostles, disciples and all believers, and miraculously indwells in us, as evidence of your sacred presence with us, and in acceptance of our prayers placed on your altar. O Gracious God, we are full of gratefulness and thankfulness for the graces you supply us, in our necessity. In our difficulties and wants, even the greatest in the church of God must seek you, to be supplied and replenished, and prayer is the most successful means, in melting down all selfishness, and in bringing about Christian unity. May your Holy Spirit fill our hearts, minds and spirits with its gifts and charisms, to live life in Jesus’ Name. Amen.