24 February, 2022
For I am the Lord your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar – the Lord Almighty is his name. I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand – I who set the heavens in place, who laid the foundations of the earth, and who say to Zion, “You are my people.” Isaiah 51:15-16
Eternal God, Creator of heaven and earth, the firmament acclaims you as Lord and Master of all things, seen and unseen. You created us with infinite love, a love which we betrayed, thus earning for ourselves separation and condemnation.You banished us from your righteous sight, until the plight of your creation, enslaved and in peril, stirred your compassionate heart. We were justified, sanctified and delivered by the Messiah you had promised you would send, your own Son, Jesus Christ.
Lord, you have rescued, protected and redeemed your people and we cleave to your promise of eternal life to all those anointed to be called your children. We are blessed and benefited by your immeasurable love, which, by your new covenant with us, we are invited to emulate in our relationship with you and with our brethren. Father, we pray the message of your holy gospel of love, will be propagated far and wide to the ends of the earth, by your appointed people.
As Christians we follow your holy word by leading exemplary lives, spreading and implementing your statutes and laws in our communities, the members of Christ’s Church and through the mission of evangelization to all the nations of the earth. We have with us the assurance of your promises, through the power of your Holy Spirit, to speak what you intend, and your powerful protection of the might of your right hand covering, upholding and delivering us from danger, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen
2 Prayers
Amen to the above inspiring scripture verse and prayer
Praise and thank you Heavenly Father for being our Protector and defender and keeping us safe from all harm..
Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayerful response dear Lyd… May God bless us all! ?❤?