FEAST OF SAINT LAWRENCE O’TOOLE FEAST DAY – 14th NOVEMBER St. Lawrence O’Toole was born around 1128 in County Kildare, Ireland. His father was the chief […]
FEAST OF SAINT AGOSTINA FEAST DAY – 13th NOVEMBER Saint Agostina, originally known as Olivia Pietrantoni, was born and baptized in Italy and from an early […]
FEAST OF SAINT JOSAPHAT OF UKRAINE FEAST DAY – 12th NOVEMBER Saint Josaphat, whose former name was John Kunsevich, was born around the year 1580, in […]
10 November, 2021 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints […]
FEAST OF BLESSED JOHN DUNS SCOTUS FEAST DAY – 8th NOVEMBER John Duns Scotus, born at Duns, a village near Berwick-on-Tweed in Scotland, entered the Franciscan […]
FEAST OF SAINT ACHILLAS OF ALEXANDRIA FEAST DAY – 7th NOVEMBER Achillas of Alexandia is less well-known than his contemporary Arius. But while one has gone […]